I played with it once in high school because our teacher introduced it to us. But I never thought twice about it after the assignment. And to be honest, had my film camera not been stolen a few years ago (she hasn't been replaced either) I probably wouldn't have picked up a Holga and a Kodak Duaflex (the duaflex I used for ttv photography). But thank God I did. Last semester (I just went back to college this year) I only did my projects with it. :) And although most seasoned photographers have dabbled, this was my first real discovery of medium format and all the beautiful things about it. I felt like I had my old camera with me again in some ways. But this was new, I had to learn on my own how to load, develop and print from this new film type. In a nutshell, I'm now a medium format user for life. The square print does something for me, huge negatives (which means BETTER prints), rolling onto metal reels, and the smell of fixer I had missed so much. (If you've developed film for more than a year, it's safe to say this is a nostalgic smell to you as well.) Last week I was leaving school and this lady was stranded on the side of the road holding her arms out with jumper cables and a look of "please don't be the 100th car to pass me by." I remember those days too, when my car frequently wouldn't start. So I gladly pull over and help her. We're talking about the classes we're taking and we finish up starting her car. She insists she give me something for my troubles. I tell her it's really no big deal, I've been there plenty of times myself. But she opens her trunk and hands me my new Kodak Reflex II. :) All smiles and yes, there was jumping up and down; I asked her if she was seriously giving this to me. She nodded and said yes. I had never even held a medium format camera with dials on it. LoL Randomly tonight, my boyfriend calls me with the most amazing lines (which I can't even fully remember), "Baby, I just called you to tell you that I shoot digital and medium format films. I mostly use available light. I try to capture the best of the moment for your memories". I'm still smiling over it. :) He even agreed to rolling 120 film onto 620 spools with me. That's love. <3 Medium format, we got lots of playing to do!